Friday, August 12, 2016

How to prevent buying a Replica COACH Handbag

Thank you for taking a moment to read my guide, I will try to be as exact as possible and not write too much, I don't want to bore you, I want to educate you!

With ever growing popularity of designer handbags, there is an even greater number of manufacturers out there attempting to create the same handbags. Replica handbags are not just illegal to buy & sell, they insult the very designers that work hard to create bags that suit each woman's desires. Replica handbags are usually found at road side stands & flea markets, and they are available to those who cannot afford the real thing, and for this reason I understand the need for them, but many sellers are not just selling these bags at a discounted price, they are jacking up the prices and attempting to pass them off as authentic. For those of us who save up our money so we can afford the real thing, getting ripped off is the last thing we want to happen. If we are going to spend an upwards of $400 on a Coach bag, you bet I want it to be authentic. The average replica handbag can be purchased for $20-$40, $40 being the most pricey, and if you ask me, which if you are reading this, you are :-), even $40 is too much to spend on a knock-off.

The designers of these replica handbags are getting better & better, and they are using better manufacturing so it is getting more difficult to tell them apart from the real deal. There are, however, a few things that these knock-off (rip-off) makers cannot replicate, and that is the quality of the materials they use. The materials are what makes the authentic bags more expensive, so this is one thing they just cannot duplicate. Especially with Coach, Coach products are made from the most supple leather available, the original maker started because of a simple baseball glove, he wanted a better leather, and that is how Coach got its start (but that is another guide all together, and you can read that story on any Coach insert that comes with the AUTHENTIC items).

Comparison List, use these marks & signs to determine if the Coach item you purchased is authentic, or if you got duped;

1. The Leather: if you purchased a leather product, the feel of the leather is like butter, compared to a more stiff, and thick piece on the fake. If it has leather or suede trim, you can feel the difference in that too, feel the strap, smell it, there is a clear difference. In addition, all leather Coach products have at least 1 Coach stamp on it, whether it be on the lower end of 1 side, or on the leather that attaches the shoulder strap to the bag, look for it, it is there, if you find it examine it closely, make sure the word 'Coach' is outlined and beneath it is says 'Leatherware' and beneath that is has '1941'. If the leather stamp it is sewn on, or has stitching around it, it may be fake.

2. Coach Jacquered Signature Fabric: whether it be the original signature collection or the mini-signature collection,  the 'CC' design varies just a slight amount on the replica, the 'C' is either slightly elongated or is too narrow and the way they face each other is slightly off, and again, the fabric is a bit thicker and on the replica it is NOT stain resistant, if you pour a little bit of water on the authentic bag, it bubbles up on the replica it seeps in. You can tell by looking at the quality of the fabric, use your best judgment, if it looks fake it probably is.

3. The Inside Emblem Tag, Creed Patch: This is where the knock-off designers are getting better, they are taking actual imprinted tags and copying them exactly, the wording USED to be different, but todays replicas have actual wording in them (the good replicas do anyway) if it is missing a serial #, it is obviously a fake. The leather is always the same soft supply feel, and a lot of times, if the bag is from a Coach Store (outlet) it will have a small stamp on the corner, it will look like a hole punch, without puncturing the leather. This little circle is a good indication the bag is authentic.

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