Monday, September 19, 2016

How to find good discounts on clothes

When buying clothes on Ebay, a lot of what you'll come across is new clothes from stores, which is great if that's what you're looking for. But if you're looking for good deals on pre-owned clothes, use the tips below!
When scrolling through pages of listings, I also like to sort by price first, from low to high, and also by auction only. Then start looking at the pictures - anything that looks professionally taken probably is, is probably new, and will probably end up going for like-new prices. Focus on pictures that look like they were actually taken by a person. These listings usually go for less than what a business/store listing will go for. (see below for an example)
Example of what a non-professional photo will look like
Sort by Country
Often when you sort by price, there will be many listings from foreign countries (particularly Asia) that can sell their items cheaper than we can in the US. I would filter out other countries because generally they are not going to be as good of quality, the sizing is generally different, and the shipping usually takes quite a long time.
Look for Misspellings
If you have a particular brand you like and are wanting to look up, try searching for common typos - for example, Old Naby instead of Old Navy. These listings will many times have less viewers due to the typos and makes you more likely to get a good price!

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