A Tory Burch designer handbag offers durable elegance when you go about your daily life. The high-quality materials selected for each bag last through multiple seasons of use. If this is your first designer bag, consider one of the basic styles of handbag in a classic, neutral color that matches the majority of your wardrobe. If your goal is to expand your collection or to find a bag to complete an outfit, then look for bags in eye-catching colors, patterns, or textures. Choose from satchels, hobo bags, totes, and shoulder bags for a daily use handbag, or pick up a clutch from a seller on eBay for an evening out. No matter the style of bag you desire, Tory Burch rarely disappoints.
Tory Burch Robinson Satchel
Tory named the Robinson line of bags after her parents. This line uses Italian Saffiano leather, which is both supple and durable. When selecting this highly reviewed bag, you have the option for a zip-top or an open-top dome bag. The open-top bags offer a center zip compartment that splits the interior for easier organization. The bag comes with handles that have a 4 to 6-inch drop, depending on the model you choose. Each Robinson satchel comes with a detachable shoulder conversion strap. The bags come in basic black and luggage brown, making either an excellent choice for daily use.
Tory Burch Logo Clutch
A night out on the town calls for a small bag that you can hold in your hand or tuck under your shoulder. The clutch">Tory Burch Logo clutch is just that bag. The 7 by 11-inch wide compact design offers enough room for the essentials, a slim wallet, your phone, keys, and your lip color of choice. Tuck any feminine products you need into the discreet inside zip pocket. A second zip pocket allows for additional secured storage. Choose the bag in black leather with a large gold or silver metal logo on the fold-over closure. Wear the clutch crossbody to stay hands free throughout the night, or detach the strap if desired.
Tory Burch Amanda Hobo Bag
When you need your life to fit inside a bag, then the Amanda hobo by Tory Burch may fit your lifestyle. This spacious bag is an open-top bag with a single compartment. Keep everything organized with the two external slip pockets, the two internal zip pockets, and the two internal slip pockets. Hobo bags are slightly slouchy to allow room to expand around your possessions, and the leather Amanda is no exception. When you need to go, grab it by the 7-inch drop handles or attach the shoulder strap and wear it across the body. Find the bag in eye-catching red, soft cream, stunning mercury grey, casual tan, or traditional black.
Tory Burch Ella Nylon Tote
If leather handbags are not your style, then check out the Tory Burch Ella nylon tote bag. The oversized bag measures 16 inches wide by 13 inches high by 6.5 inches deep, and the handles have a 7.5 inch drop to sling over your arm or slip around your shoulder. Keep it shut with a hidden magnetic snap and side gussets to keep everything neatly folded. It has an interior zip pocket and an additional open pocket. The bag has canvas lining. The exterior has a cutout logo embossed in patent leather. If the full-sized tote is too much bag for you, consider the mini Ella Nylon Tote, which is 13.5 inches wide by 10 inches high by 4.5 inches deep. Find the bags in traditional black or navy, or look for bold colors from past seasons.
Tory Burch Marion Quilted Shoulder Bag
Tory Burch's Marion quilted shoulder bag uses soft, lambskin leather. The Tory Burch logo finds its home on the magnetic front flap that covers the external front pocket and the main compartment. It offers a small open pocket on the back of the bag. It also has an internal zip pocket and two internal open pockets. This medium-sized purse measures 10 inches wide by 7 inches high by 4 inches deep. Convert the double chain shoulder straps to an across the body strap. Before conversion, the handle has a 9-inch drop. Find the bag in black, soft oak, or mercury.
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